Years ago, a prophecy was spoken over my life, one that I didn’t fully understand at the time.
“You think too small.”
I remember hearing those words and brushing them off. I didn’t see it. I thought I had dreams, I thought I had vision, I thought I was believing for big things. But looking back, I realize now that my mindset was limited. I was believing within the confines of what I thought was possible, what I thought I could handle, what made sense within my comfort zone.
But here’s the thing about prophecy: it doesn’t expire. It lingers. It waits. It follows you until the time is right.
And now, I can feel the winds shifting. Something is stirring deep within me. For the first time in my life, I am thinking big. But here’s the difference, this is not about me. This is not about my success, my comfort, or my ambitions.
This is about Jesus. Always Jesus.
I don’t want to dream bigger just so I can have more. I want to dream bigger so His name can be glorified. So His kingdom can expand. So His will can be done.
I refuse to live a life of small prayers when I serve a limitless God. I refuse to let fear, doubt, or insecurity keep me from walking in the fullness of what He has planned. I refuse to keep my hands closed when He is calling me to open them, to give more, to love deeper, to surrender fully.
So here I am, stepping out, believing for the impossible, walking boldly into the unknown. Because if I am going to think big, it will be for Him. If I am going to dream, it will be for His glory. If I am going to live, it will be for Jesus.
No more small thinking. No more safe prayers. No more limiting God to what I think is possible.
The winds are shifting. And I am ready.

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