Let me tell you what I want. I don’t want fame. I don’t want recognition. I don’t want power. I don’t want to be above anyone. I just want to see everyone win.
I want to see people do well. I want to see people happy. I want to see people live a life that is full, free, and abundant, not just in material things, but in the things that actually matter. I want to see people find true joy, the kind that doesn’t fade when circumstances change. The kind that stays even in the midst of struggle.
I want to see people find peace. Not just the temporary kind that comes from a quiet moment, but the deep, unshakable peace that holds you together when life is trying to tear you apart. The peace that only God can give.
I want to see people find true love, not just romance, but real, unconditional love. The kind of love that isn’t based on what you can give someone, but simply because you are worthy of being loved.
And more than anything, I want everyone to find Jesus the way I did.
There’s nothing special about me. I’m not some perfect example. I’m not better than anyone else. I don’t have it all figured out. I fail daily. I struggle, I fall, I make mistakes. But God redeems me. Every single day, He picks me back up, He covers me in grace, and He reminds me that His love is greater than my failures.
And if He did it for me, He’ll do it for you.
You are not too far gone. You are not too broken. You are not beyond redemption. God’s grace is bigger than your past, bigger than your mistakes, bigger than the lies you tell yourself about who you are. He sees you. He loves you. And He’s waiting for you with open arms.
I just want to see everyone win. And the greatest victory of all? It’s not in money, success, or status. It’s in knowing Jesus, in finding the love and peace that only He can give.
So if you’re struggling, if you’re lost, if you feel like you’re nothing, just know, you’re not alone. I’ve been there. And God met me where I was. And He’ll meet you too. You just have to let Him.

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