When God’s Ways Don’t Make Sense
One of the hardest things about faith is accepting that we may never fully understand God’s ways. We live in a world that demands answers, that seeks explanations, and that constantly asks, Why? But with God, sometimes the only answer we receive is Trust me. And that’s frustrating. That’s painful. That’s uncomfortable.
Because we want reasons. We want clarity. We want to know why things happen the way they do, why doors close, why loved ones are taken too soon, why prayers seem to go unanswered, why suffering exists, and why our hearts break when we’ve done everything right. And yet, instead of a detailed explanation, we often get silence. Or we get a whisper that simply says, I make all things good.
But good doesn’t always look like we expect.
Sometimes, good comes through brokenness. Sometimes, the masterpiece God is creating with our lives only comes after everything we thought we needed has shattered. And that’s not easy to accept. It’s not easy to see the beauty in the pain when we’re standing in the wreckage of what we thought life would be. But just because we don’t understand doesn’t mean God isn’t working.
Imagine a mosaic, pieces of broken glass, sharp edges, fragments of what once was. Alone, they look like nothing but shattered remains. But in the hands of the Artist, those broken pieces are arranged into something breathtaking. The light hits differently. The story takes a new form. And the masterpiece is something that could never have existed without the breaking.
That’s what God does with us.
He takes the pain, the loss, the unanswered questions, the disappointments, and the brokenness, and He makes something beautiful. But the process isn’t easy. It requires faith. A faith that even when we can’t see the bigger picture, God can. Faith that even when we don’t understand, His reasons are higher, His love is deeper, and His plan is greater than we could ever imagine.
And faith isn’t about having all the answers, it’s about trusting even when we don’t.
So if you’re in a season where nothing makes sense, where the pieces of your life feel scattered and broken, hold on. Trust that God is still writing your story. Trust that He is still good, even when life is not. Trust that one day, whether in this life or the next, you’ll see what He was doing all along.
Because God doesn’t waste anything. Not our pain. Not our tears. Not our questions.
Even when we don’t understand, He is still making all things new.

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