Without God, I am nothing. Without His presence in my life, I would crumble under the weight of my own weakness. I would be lost, wandering aimlessly through life, searching for meaning in things that could never satisfy me. Without Him, I would be like a ship without an anchor, tossed by the winds of uncertainty, drifting farther from the shore with no direction and no purpose.
Don’t get me wrong, even with God, I am nothing. I am still broken. I am still flawed. I still fail daily. But the difference is, with Him, I have a foundation that holds me together. A rock that keeps me grounded when everything around me shakes. A love that surrounds me when I feel unworthy, a grace that covers me when I fall short.
Without Him, my insecurities would drown me. My fears would consume me. My failures would define me. But because of Him, I have hope. I have a purpose. Even when I don’t see my worth, He does. Even when I feel empty, He fills me. Even when I think I’ve reached my breaking point, He reminds me that His strength is made perfect in my weakness.
I don’t deserve His love, yet He gives it freely. I don’t always seek Him like I should, yet He never leaves me. I fail Him daily, yet His mercy is new every morning.
So yes, without God, I am nothing. But with Him, I am held. I am seen. I am loved. Not because of who I am, but because of who He is. And that is enough.

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